The Happy Wanderers: are a group musicians who have all traveled through Greensboro, North Carolina sometime within the month of May 2007. They do not play together at the same time or place. Some members have never met each other. What you will hear is a digitally constructed collaborative performance un-benounced to the “band” itself. With all due respect to the individual performers/musicians; to each their own and together we are... The Happy Wanderers.
Vance - Fiddle. Shows up to Elsewhere periodically to play in
the back alley.
Live Performance/Recording Date: Thursday, May 24 2007
z’ev - Drum-skin. Artist featured at Mark Dixon’s studio.
Live Performance/Recording Date: Monday, May 21 2007.
Ross Huff- Jazz Trumpet. “The Macpodz,” via
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Live Recordings: trumpet 2 in Db
trumpet 3 in FAAC
Justin Kuhn- Harmonica. Artist in residence. May 2007.
“The Happy Wanderer” - live studio recording.
Obernkirchen Children's Choir (Schaumburger Märchensänger)- youth choir in
Schaumburg County, Northern Germany. Original song by
Friedrich-Wilhelm Möller, written shortly after World War II. English
lyrics written by Antonia Ridge. Aired recording: BBC Radio,1953.
Live/Studio Equipment:
Marantz PMD660 Solid State Recorder
Canon PowerShot A530
Garage Band 3.0.4
iMovie HD 6.0.3